Split lines with points, the PostGIS way

The problem:

Given a layer of lines and one of points (the latter not necessarily already over the lines one) , split the lines using the points.

Five years after a feature request on the QGIS bug tracker


this tool is not yet available as native QGIS tool and also an (easy) alternative is missing within the other providers in the QGIS Processing toolbox.

Here following a pure SQL/PostGIS solution. Not sure is the most elegant or fast one, but seems to work as expected.

Workflow and notes:

  • As the input points are away from the lines, get the closest place on the line (likely on a segment) using the st_closestpoint function
  • Input lines are densified with the st_segmentize: this will later allow to snap the input points -now over the segments- over a node/vertex, a really close one depending on how much the lines were densified
  • Extract the nodes/vertexes of densified lines with a custom function:
'SELECT ST_Union((d).geom) FROM ST_DumpPoints($1) AS d;'
  • Snap points (the ones over lines segments) over the nearest node/vertex of the densified lines using the st_snap function
  • Split the lines using snapped points thanks to the st_split function
  • The above process is necessary as points can be used to split lines only if they are exactly over a line node/vertex (st_split won’t work in the points are over a line segment)

Step1: input points on nearest place over lines segments

CREATE TABLE points_over_lines
AS SELECT a.id,ST_ClosestPoint(ST_Union(b.geom), a.geom)::geometry(POINT,3763) AS geom
FROM points a, lines b
GROUP BY a.geom,a.id;

Step2: densify lines and extract nodes as 1 unique multipoint geometry

CREATE TABLE lines_nodes_densified AS
SELECT 1 AS id, ST_Union(ST_AsMultiPoint(st_segmentize(geom,1)))::geometry(MULTIPOINT,3763) AS geom 
FROM lines;

Step3: snap points over lines nodes/vertexes

CREATE TABLE points_snapped AS
SELECT b.id, ST_snap(ST_Union(b.geom),a.geom, ST_Distance(a.geom,b.geom)*1.01)::geometry(POINT,3763) AS geom 
FROM lines_nodes_densified a, points_over_lines b
GROUP BY a.geom, b.geom, b.id;

Step4: split lines

CREATE TABLE lines_split AS
SELECT a.id, (ST_Dump(ST_split(st_segmentize(a.geom,1),ST_Union(b.geom)))).geom::geometry(LINESTRING,3763) AS geom 
FROM lines a, points_snapped b
GROUP BY a.id;

With one unique query statement:

CREATE TABLE lines_split AS
temp_table1 AS (SELECT a.id,ST_ClosestPoint(ST_Union(b.geom), a.geom)::geometry(POINT,3763) AS geom FROM points a, lines b GROUP BY a.geom,a.id),
temp_table2 AS (SELECT 1 AS id, ST_Union(ST_AsMultiPoint(st_segmentize(geom,1)))::geometry(MULTIPOINT,3763) AS geom FROM lines),
temp_table3 AS (SELECT b.id, ST_snap(ST_Union(b.geom),a.geom, ST_Distance(a.geom,b.geom)*1.01)::geometry(POINT,3763) AS geom 
FROM temp_table2 a, temp_table1 b
GROUP BY a.geom, b.geom, b.id)
SELECT a.id, (ST_Dump(ST_split(st_segmentize(a.geom,1),ST_Union(b.geom)))).geom::geometry(LINESTRING,3763) AS geom FROM lines a, temp_table3 b
GROUP BY a.id;
Split lines with points, the PostGIS way

4 thoughts on “Split lines with points, the PostGIS way

  1. salve:
    in step 4 I get an error:
    ERROR: the “a.geom” column must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
    LINE 8: SELECT a.id, (ST_Dump (ST_split (st_segmentize (a.geom, 1), ST_Un …

    how can I fix it?


    1. Hi,
      just tested and didn’t had any problem with this approach. In the last step to be able to cut with multipoints -ST_Union(b.geom)- you must have PostGIS >= 2.2, otherwise you’ll get an error like “Splitting a Line by a MultiPoint is unsupported”.


      1. SELECT PostGIS_Version();

        “2.2 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1”

        I installed PG 9.3 with postigis 2.2
        the error always occurs.

        I added a.geom to the GROUP BY; it seems to work.


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